Thanks for stopping by!
You can find a short CV below.
For project inquiries please email me.

Viola S. Ahrensfeld


03/2023 – 01/2024
Internship, conservation and restoration of the Weimar Nitzsche furniture exhibited at »Kunstfest Weimar 2023«
(»Nitzsche. Eine unmögliche Ausstellung«)

Since 10/2017
Structured Ph.D. program »Art & Design« at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Working title: »Embodied Interaction Design – sensuous technologies and the technological sense: on the interactions of social and technical systems in the anthropocene«.

05/2018 – 06/2018
»Ecoacoustics program«, education in sound-driven, spatial Experience Design with School of Machines Berlin at MONOM – Center for Spatial Sound.

10/2007 – 01/2013
Product Design Studies at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Graduation with a diploma. Thesis title: »Designing Healthcare – Strategien zur Verhütung von nosokomialen Infektionen in Krankenhäusern« [Designing Healthcare – Strategies for the prevention of nosocomial infections in German hospitals], cooperation with Universitätsklinikum Jena.

09/2006 – 09/2007
Internship with the sculptor Wolfgang Göddertz, Cologne.

High school graduation at Gymnasium Kreuzgasse, Cologne.

Internship at the Max Planck Institute for plant breeding research in Cologne at the department for plant breeding and genetics with Prof. Dr. Maarten Koorneef and Christiane Gebhardt.


Since 07/2020
Scholarship holder of »Thüringer Graduiertenförderung«.

Since 01/2020
Member of the diversity advisory board at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

Since 10/2019
Advisory member of the senate of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as representative of the doctoral council.

Since 04/2019
Elected representative of the doctoral candidates of the faculty Art & Design at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

Since 04/2018
Elected representative of the doctoral candidates and postdocs at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

Since 02/2018
Research assistant at Bauhaus Research School and tutor at the International Ph.D. Network.

03/2020 – 07/2020
Costume and stage design in collaboration with Mila van Daag: »La Giuditta« at University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, directed by Roman Hovenbitzer.
// POSTPONED due to Covid-19-pandemic!

02/2020 – 06/2020
Costume and stage design in collaboration with Mila van Daag: »Ronja Räubertochter« at Nordharzer Städtebundtheater, directed by Fernando Blumenthal.
// POSTPONED due to Covid-19-pandemic!

06/2018 – 04/2020
Project management, editing and proofreading for the exhibition project and online research archive »Radiophonic Spaces« for Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Prof. Nathalie Singer, Chair of Experimental Radio), HKW Berlin and Museum Tinguely Basel.

Exhibition conception, development and realization in collaboration with Michael Braun: »Insight Into Research« for Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

12/2018 – 05/2019
Conference conception, development and realization: »YBRC 19 – Create the CO« for Bauhaus-Universität Weimar / Bauhaus Research School.

01/2019 – 05/2019
Costume and stage design in collaboration with Mila van Daag: »Captain’s Dinner« at Nordharzer Städtebundtheater, directed by Fernando Blumenthal.

09/2013 – 10/2016
Head of development department at KAHLA/Thüringen Porzellan GmbH.

05/2013 – 07/2013
Costume and stage design (assistance) »Till Eulenspiegel« for Theater Erfurt / DomStufen-Festspiele Erfurt, directed by Barbara Schöne.


Publication of the conceptual design »Tischzeug« in: Yilmaz, Canan (ed.), Für alle Menschen – Ausstellungskatalog, Weimar, 2020 (in progress).

Lecture on »Auditve Boundary Objects – An Investigation of Design, Ethics and the Things in Between« at Performance Studies international 2020 – annual conference, Rijeka (Croatia).
// POSTPONED due to Covid-19-pandemic!

11/2019 – 03/2020
Group exhibition »Reclaim Context« at HfG-Archiv Ulm, as part of the exhibition series »Bauhaus Studio 100«.

Group exhibition »Unser Bauhaus – Teil 5« at Neufert Box, Weimar, as part of the exhibition series »Bauhaus Studio 100«.

Lecture on »Doctorate in Art & Design« at Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung, Jena.

Sound installation »Nexus«, at MONOM – Center for Spatial Sound Berlin; in collaboration with Christian Duka (IT) and Joseph Banh (CA).

Lecture at »Innovationskonferenz – Bereit zum nächsten Schritt?« [Innovation conference – Ready for the next step?] for Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), Berlin; with Stefan Pieck (ZIK OncoRay Dresden), Prof. Dr. Oliver Kurzai (ZIK Septomics and InfectControl 2020 Jena), Holger Raithel (KAHLA/Porzellan Thüringen).

Participant at iF-Workshop »QuoVadis Design?«, Fraueninsel Chiemsee, see also: Willhelm Vossenkuhl (ed.), Quo vadis Design – vier Thesen. München: IF Design Media, 2014.

Group exhibition at »Aveneo«, Messe Nürnberg.